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Dates کھجور Price In Pakistan

The date کھجور is considered to be the best sweet fruit. Because of its religious and medical benefits. As Pakistanis, we always search for dates at lower prices. However, Dates price in Pakistan vary from place to place, type to type, and high quality. Khajoor per kg price in Pakistan starts from Rs 650/-to Rs 5000/- depending on the type and quality. 

Allah's Messenger Hazrat Muhammad (ﷺ) said, 

"Indeed, in dates, there is a cure" [Sahih Muslim]."

We can see today. As the Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (ﷺ) taught us, eating dates contribute to an overall healthy state of both the body and the mind. So, it is proven by medical science. Because dates are rich in minerals and contain potent antibacterial and anti-inflammatory characteristics. Thus, this sweet tropical delicacy is an excellent option. If you are looking to maintain a balanced diet.

Types Of Dates In Pakistan

Popular date types that are available in Pakistan are Irani khajoor, Saudi khajoor, ajwa date, mebroom khajoor, Medjool, and nar chuara (Dried). So, let's start with the types and their prices.

Types Of Dates

Prices Per kg

Ajwa Dates

Ranges from PKR 4,500 - 5,000

Dry Dates

Ranges from PKR 900-1,000

Irani Dates

Ranges from PKR 650- 750

Mabroom Dates

Ranges from PKR 3,000-3,500 

Irani Dates Price In Pakistan

Irani dates are very popular among all dates. In addition, they are the most underrated ones. However, enriched with essential nutrients that can benefit your body in various ways. And the price of Irani Pakistani dates ranges between PKR 650- 750/- per kg.

Ajwa Dates Price In Pakistan

Ajwa dates are well known, particularly among Muslims. Because they are not just offering health benefits. But also Prophets Muhammad (S.A.W.W) told about their enormous benefits 1400 years ago. However, scientific researchers are proving this now. Ajwa khajoor 1 kg price in Pakistan ranges between PKR 4,500- 5000/-. 

Amber Dates Price In Pakistan

Pakistan imports these khajoor from Saudi Arabia. The reason behind these most demanded dates is the price, which is approximately PKR 4,900/- per kg. These dates are hard to find in Pakistan, but you can get amber dates in Pakistan at the lowest rates from us with guaranteed high quality. 

Medjool Dates Price In Pakistan

The origin of Medjool Khajoor is also in Saudi Arabia. However, it is also cultivated in some areas of Balochistan. The quality is almost the same as the seed. Because of its cultivation in Balochistan, ajwa khajoor price in Pakistan is lower in Pakistan than in other countries. 

Mabroom Dates Price In Pakistan

Mabroom khajoor is full of nutritional values, including calcium, iron, folic acid, and vitamins. Along with its medical benefits, this khajoor is also popular because of its taste. Its price starts from Rs 3000/- per kilogram and goes up to Rs 3500/- per kg, depending on its different varieties in Pakistan.

Saudi Khajoor Price In Pakistan

Saudi Arabia is considered to be the best cultivator and exporter of khajoor. You can buy all types of ajwa khajoor price in Saudi Arabia at reasonable rates in Pakistan. Saudi khajoor price in Pakistan starts from Rs 2,400 and goes up to Rs 5,500. Get the best packs of Saudi khajoor from us.

Dates Medical Benefits

  • Dry Fruit Dates Have Different Amounts Of Naturally Occurring Sugars Like Glucose, Fructose, And Sucrose. Dried-out dates Have More Than 300 Calories Per 100 Grams, and fresh Dates Have Only About 157 Calories Per 100 Grams. Dates Have A Lot Of Natural Sugar, But They Also Have Protein, Crude Fiber, Lipids, And Antioxidants. 
  • Date Flesh Contains Between 0.2% And 0.5% Oil, While The Seed Or Pit Has Between 7.7% And 9.7% Oil. The Most Important Unsaturated Fatty Acids Are Palmitoleic Acid, Oleic Acid, And Linoleic Acid. 
  • Dates Have 23 Different Kinds Of Amino Acids, But Common Fruits Like Oranges, Peaches, Grapes, And Apples Only Have 12 Or Fewer Of These Important Building Blocks. 
  • A Small Amount Of Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin B (1), Thiamine, Vitamin B (2), Riboflavin, And Nicotinic Acid Are Also In Them (Niacin). The B Complex Has All Of These Vitamins.

Buy Khajoor Online In Pakistan

If you are here to purchase khajoor online or want to know the price of khajoor in Pakistan, click for more information. By way of illustration, if you are interested in learning how to buy khajoor online in Hyderabad, you may do so by adding the product of your choice to the shopping basket. Here, you will be able to get khajoor online in Lahore, Islamabad, and Karachi. To determine the price of a product in any city in Pakistan, you will be facilitated through our platform.


Dates consumption reaches double in the month of Ramadan in Pakistan and all the Muslim countries. Breaking the fast is not possible without dates (khajoor). If you are living in Pakistan and want the best quality online dates in Pakistan, get them from our platform at reasonable rates with high quality.

If you want to buy more dry fruits so visit our e-commerce store.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What are the benefits of eating dates?

They are rich in minerals, fiber, and antioxidants, which may help digestion and lower illness risk. Dates may be eaten in numerous ways. They are often used as natural sweeteners in recipes. They're tasty snacks.

What is the best time to eat dates?

Fiber makes them a great nighttime snack. Due to its slow digestion, fiber makes you feel full and reduces nighttime hunger. Dates satisfy late-night sweet cravings.

Should we drink water after eating dates?

Drinking water after eating dates might create a cough. Drink water before dating if you're thirsty.

What are the side effects of dates?

Dates are abundant in calories, therefore eating too many might cause weight gain. Dates should be eaten moderately.

Can I eat dates on empty stomach?

Potassium in dates boosts your neurological system and memory. Early-morning dates keep you full all day.

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