Neem Oil - For All Skin Types


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ChiltanPure Neem Oil

Chiltanpure develops purity-assured Organic Chiltanpure Neem oil. Neem Oil comes from the seed of the tropical neem tree, also known as Indian lilac. Neem oil carry a wide history of use as a folk remedy around the world. Thus, it is famous for treating many skin conditions.

How does it work?

Neem Oil for Skin: It contains many ingredients that are extremely beneficial to the skin. Some of those ingredients include:

  • fatty acids (EFA)
  • limonoids
  • vitamin E
  • triglycerides
  • antioxidants
  • calcium

Use as a Skin Care: It is used in beauty regimens and skin care to:

  • treat dry skin and wrinkles
  • stimulate collagen production
  • reduce scars
  • heal wounds
  • treat acne
  • minimize warts and moles
  • Neem oil may also be used to treat the symptoms of psoriasis, eczema, and other disorders of the skin.

Neem Oil for Hair:

  • Prevents and destroys the growth of infection on the scalp and skin
  • Hair & Skin Nourishment
  • Promotes Hair Growth. For All Hair Types

Amazing Fact:

Pure neem oil is incredibly potent. To treat acne, fungal infections, warts, or moles, use undiluted neem oil to spot-treat affected areas. Lightly dab the neem oil onto the area using a cotton swab or cotton ball, and allow it to soak in for up to 20 minutes. Wash off the oil with warm water.

Neem Oil is also enriched with Carotenoids. They act as anti-oxidants to decrease cell damage and hyperpigmentation (caused by ultraviolet radiation, acne, or even due to skin tumors) It has the potency to repair skin, making it look younger.

What is neem oil? Neem oil is a natural byproduct of the neem tree. The oil is harvested from the seeds and leaves of the tree. While it has been used as a natural pesticide for hundreds of years, you'll also find it in many products you use in your home, including:

  • Cosmetics
  • Toothpaste
  • Dog shampoo
  • Soaps

It does so, by increasing the regenerative power of skin cells and increases collagen and elastin. This results in giving a beautiful texture to the skin by increasing its thickness, elasticity, softness, and smoothness. Carotenoids decrease the overall water loss from the skin to keep it hydrated.

AZADIRACTIN, the determinant of Neem carrier oil quality is used as a natural pesticide. It is the percentage of this component that tells how good is the neem carrier oil for you.

1. Benefits of a Skincare Product

Neem is famous for its use in treating redness, itchy skin, and inflamed skin. By doing so, a healthy skin glow is achieved. You probably would have seen Neem as the content of many anti-bacterial soaps and detergents. In 2019, the Antibacterial properties of neem were examined in soaps containing Neem content and the results were positive.

Skin lesions that Neem Oil treats are;

  • Acne
  • Rosacea
  • Eczema
  • Psoriasis
  • Rashes

Besides, it can also be used to cure burns or ultra-violet rays-induced skin damage. Its outstanding anti-ageing properties make it suitable for use in middle age.

It goes deeper into all layers of the skin making it elastic with increased elasticity and collagen content. The high penetration power of this oil makes it a superb moisturizer evening out the tone of the skin and softening it. It eradicates acne-causing bacteria from the skin and cleanses it by purging out the impurities and afterward, tightening the skin pores, anti-scarring agents in the Neem Oil mask the look and feel of the scars by healing them. All this results in a flaw-less skin that one can ever dream for.

In a study done in 2013, it was proved that faster healing and non-raised scars are resulting from the use of neem with normal saline. In 2010 an animal stud was carried out on rats to compare the effects of neem compared with those of Vaseline on wound healing. The results were making Neem superior to Vaseline for wound cure. It does so, by increasing strength to give resilient tissue.

In another study that took place in 2014, it was shown that there can be a decrease in skin toxicity secondary to radiation therapy via the use of Neem Oil for the purpose.

Things that you should stay careful about:

  • This oil should never be ingested. Keep it away from the reach of children to ensure that they do not ingest it.
  • It has abortifacient properties so use it with care in pregnant women or those who are planning to conceive sooner.
  • Those who have nut allergies should avoid using Neem Oil.
  • One should do a patch test before the start of the regular application of this oil. For that, leave some oil on a patch of skin on any hidden body part like armpits. Now wait for 24-48 hours and see the results. If no acute skin changes are observed then it is perfect for use at any part of the body.
  • Its use is contraindicated in Multiple Sclerosis, Lupus, and Rheumatoid Arthritis.
  • People with immune transplants should avoid using it as it can affect the overall immunity of its users and complications like tissue rejection can occur due to its effects on the dose of immunosuppressants.
  • It should be discontinued 2 weeks before a major surgery as it can induce hypoglycemia in surgical patients.
  • It can alter the dose of anti-diabetic drugs so it has to be used with care in diabetic patients.

2. Use as a Mosquito Repellant

It repels the mosquito and can be used for the purpose in many ways. It can be applied to the skin or can be burnt to produce the effect. It can also be added to kerosene lamps. This, in turn, will prevent you from getting diseases like Malaria, Dengue in which mosquitoes act as vectors.

Dendy Engelman, MD, New York-based dermatologist says about Neem, œIt helps s kills the fungus that causes athletes foot. Athletes foot is a fungal infection occurring on the skin of the foot. It can be avoided by using open shoes and keeping the skin dry. If it occurs, Neem Oil can give a non-allopathic treatment to it. Dr Engleman, an MD dermatologist, recommends combining Neem with Karanga oil. He says, œIt provides additional conditioning to soften and smooth the feet.

3. Effects on Hair

It prevents the scalp from dandruff and is an efficient cure to that. It also balances the pH of hair thereby preventing it from fungal or bacterial infections. It detangles the hair and prevents hair from getting thinner from pollution, stress or medication.

It helps to moisturize the hair and maintain the scalp healthy. It repairs split ends and decreases frizz. Neem is used to fortify dull hair by its conditioning effects to restore the lustre.

Neem also helps in the prevention of baldness and tenia alopecia. It also decreases the greying of hair.

6. Use as a Pesticide

Environmental Pollution Agency of America recommends Neem as a natural pesticide. Its advantage over other pesticides in the market is that it is safe for birds, pets and other livestock. It is biodegradable and non-toxic. Hence, it can be called an environmentally friendly pesticide.

7. Anti-Lice Functions

Neem being a parasiticidal helps in getting rid of lice. It can be used to decrease both, head and body lice. This can not only be used on humans, but also livestock.

8. Treatment of Scabies

Scabies is a communicable skin ailment in which a parasite attacks mostly the webs of fingers and genitals. It is caused mostly by overcrowding and spreads mainly by fomites. Parasiticidal properties of neem are used to treat this disease and help in its control if everyone who comes in contact with the diseased person uses it. Neem Oil can be applied to the whole body after taking a bath and bedsheets and clothes should be changed daily. Daily taking bath, and applying neem can bring significant change in the disease condition


  • (Face) Take 2-3 Drops Of Oil For Daily Use.
  • (Hair) Apply Onto Your Scalp And Massage 10 To 15 Minutes. Better Is If Wash Your Hair After 2 Hr.
Chiltan Pure
High Quality
5 - 7 Days
Neem Oil
7 Days Replacement Warranty

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