Premium Multiflora Honey Packed With Natural Nutrients 240G
- Royal Honey Gold is a natural, unprocessed sweetener made by honeybees using the nectar of flowers
- It is free from artificial additives, preservatives, or chemical processingÂ
- The appearance, flavor, and aroma of pure honey vary depending on the floral sources from which the bees collect nectarÂ
- Key Characteristics of Pure Honey: Natural Sweetness: Pure honey has a rich, sweet taste with nuanced flavor notes,Â
- which can range from floral and fruity to earthy and robust, depending on its source Viscosity:Â
- It has a thick, syrup-like consistency, although the viscosity may vary with temperature and floral originÂ
- Color: Pure honey comes in shades ranging from light golden or amber to dark brown, depending on the type of nectar NutritionalÂ
- Content: It contains natural sugars (mainly fructose and glucose), trace amounts of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidantsÂ
- Crystallization: Over time, pure honey may crystallize, forming a grainy textureÂ
- This is a natural process and a sign of authenticity,
High Quality
1 Piece
3 - 5 Days
3 Days Replacement Warranty
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