Select from the following list of Product and Technical FAQs. Browse through these FAQs to find answers to commonly raised questions. If you're a new customer of one of the services below, we encourage you to read through the relevant articles.
Leyjao is a fast-growing online shopping platform where:
• Customers buy quality products at reasonable price and
• Retailer /sellers/brands sell their products to their target market at seamlessly.
Leyjao does not charge extra for services.
For complete understanding of Leyjao refund and replacement policies, please visit returns-and-exchanges.
It depends on province, city and zone but our estimated time period of shipping is 3-5 working days.
For the convenience of our customers, we employ various means of communication like, telephone calls and email. So, if you are a customer then email at and if, you are seller then email at or you can call us at 03041111029.
Yes, you can place an order over the phone call and usually, it is not recommend mean for ordering. However, to place an order via phone, please call at 03041111029 and then press 1, so that our customer representative could make an order on your behalf.
After successful placement of your order, a receipt will be issued via email. This means that your order is in queue and it will be processed soon, during this process one of our representative will call you for confirmation of order.
We acceptance various modes of payments. Frequently, employed means of payments are CoD (Cash on Delivery) and online payment through Visa and MasterCard, Easypaisa and Jazzcash.
Please call us at our helpline 03041111029 and press “0” so that our representative can assist you further or you can visiting Returns and Exchanges for more detail.
In order to track your order, please contact at our helpline 03041111029 and press “2”.
Leyjao charges commission from its venders on product to product basis. For further details please contact us at 03041111029.
The amount of sales will be transferred to vender’s bank account, 15 days after the collection of payment from customer.
The TCS rider will collect parcel from vender’s stated location and subsequently, parcel will be delivered to customer at its door step. For further detail, please contact at 03041111029.